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Canada's most valued brands revealed, dominated by financial sector companies

By CO Staff @canadaone |

Interbrand has released its 2012 Best Canadian Brands report, which ranks Canada's top brands by brand value.

TD moves up to the first spot this year with a $9,693 million brand value, followed closely by Thomson Reuters ($9,548 million brand value).

Next on the list are RBC, Blackberry and Scotiabank, which have brand values of $7,929, $6,446, and $3,965 million respectively.

Brands from the financial sector dominate the list, accounting for nine of the top 25 brands:

1. TD $9,693 million
2. Thomson Reuters $9,548 million
3. RBC $7,929 million
4. BlackBerry $6,446 million
5. Scotiabank $3,965 million
6. Tim Hortons $3,441 million
7. Lululemon $3,245 million
8. Shoppers Drug Mart $3,179 million
9. Bell $3,059 million
10. Rogers $2,998 million
11. BMO $2,338 million
12. CIBC $1,984 million
13. TELUS $1,978 million
14. Canadian Tire $1,887 million
15. Manulife $1,866 million
16. Bombardier $1,234 million
17. Sun Life $1,053 million
18. National Bank $827 million
19. Molson $821 million
20. Shaw $759 million
21. Winners $679 million
22. IMAX $602 million
23. Investors Group $454 million
24. Future Shop $374 million
25. La Senza $365 million

Interbrand notes that it pioneered the technique for valuing brands in 1984 and has continued to improve upon their methodology, which they say has been "... recognized by businesses, academics and regulatory bodies as uniquely valuable strategic tools." The company's annual Best Global Brands reports has been "... voted one of the three most influential benchmark studies by business leaders."

Interbrand offers these six lessons for brand delivery:

  1. Champion your brand promise from the top down.
  2. Respond clearly and quickly to brand issues, large and small.
  3. Align your organization for longterm delivery.
  4. Empower employees to become the engine for brand delivery.
  5. Stay relevant.
  6. Strategically share the news of what the brand is accomplishing.

The full report, Best Canadian Brands 2012, offers a more detailed look at important branding factors as well as an overview of each of the top 25 finalists.

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